$ $ $ Anarplex: Reality Exploit Roundtable$ $ $ $ $ $
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$ anarplex.net$
$ files & projects related to: crypto-tribes, phyles, crypto-anarchy, agorism
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 # Reality Exploit Roundtable 


$ What happens when five guys entrenched in the disobedient underground come together to discuss current events from the realms of crime, intelligence, computer security and privacy? You get:$

$ $ Subscribe: Podcast$

$ Past topics include:$

  • Gold & Cheese Smuggling
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  • Why the CIA loves tax havens; & Trackable cash Fail
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  • Drone Economics; & A New Lightning Laser Weapon
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  • Net Routing Battles intensify & UN Internet Takeover?
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  • CleanIT & Trapwire & NYC Domain Awareness
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  • Defend against brainwave hacks with Zen and Flowstates; & High Frequency Trading DoS
  • $


$ This is a mirror, original site here: agoristradio.com.$

WARNING: It might be illegal to possess or listen to these recordings in your jurisdiction!



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$ 2013-02-01 +++ Reality Exploit Roundtable EP001: Wire Taps, LIBOR, McDonalds Assault, Google vs Scarface +++ $ Download episode (53151217 bytes, 2360 seconds)

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$ Subscribe: Podcast$ $
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